Music & Sound for Games




MerFight: Curse of the Arctic Prince

A 2.5D indie fighting game by Mattrified Games. The game is currently available in early access on Steam.


Dieper & Deaper

Developed in 72 hours for Ludum Dare 48. A humorous infiltration game, you sneak back into your old workplace to erase your browser history and uncover more than you bargained for. I contributed interactive music, sound design, audio implementation with FMOD/Unity and additional programming.

I wrote a series of blog posts explaining some of the interactive audio systems I designed. You can find them here.

For optimal audio performance, I recommend downloading the executable rather than playing in browser.


>deploy Helper Bot

Developed in 72 hours for Ludum Dare 51. A ship in the nothingness of space, stranded. Its automated AI has started sending out robots to help recover the ship, but unfortunately those robots have a fault: each of them only lasts for about 10 seconds. Make the most of your time and find your way around the ship, flipping levers and opening pathways until you reach the ships console. I contributed interactive music, sound design, audio implementation with FMOD/Unity and additional programming.

For optimal audio performance, I recommend downloading the executable rather than playing in browser.


Overworked & Underpaid

Developed in 72 hours for Ludum Dare 50. As we all know, death is inevitable. But so is getting fired if you are bad at your job, so what do you do when both are at stake? As the last doctor in a busy hospital, patients are constantly being delivered with no care for your workload. I contributed interactive music, sound design, audio implementation with FMOD/Unity and additional programming.

For optimal audio performance, I recommend downloading the executable rather than playing in browser.


WTF Dog?!!

Developed in 48 hours for Global Game Jam 2022. A fast arcade-style game in two parts, you play as a dog chasing chickens, then as the owner cleaning up the mess. I contributed interactive music, sound design, audio implementation with FMOD/Unity and additional programming.

For optimal audio performance, I recommend downloading the executable rather than playing in browser.


QA - The Game!

Developed in 72 hours for Ludum Dare 49. A first person puzzler in which the player is tasked with finding and reporting bugs they encounter in the game. I contributed interactive music, sound design, voice acting, audio implementation with FMOD/Unity and additional programming.

I wrote a blog post explaining my implementation of believable, diegetic elevator music. You can find it here.

For optimal audio performance, I recommend downloading the executable rather than playing in browser.


Alien Lost

Developed in 48 hours for Global Game Jam 2021. A puzzle platformer, you play as a friendly alien who needs help getting back to his ship. I contributed interactive music, sound design and audio implementation with FMOD/Unity.

For optimal audio performance, I recommend downloading the executable rather than playing in browser.